Nature provides an abundance of material for making natural crafts. Photo from Country Woman Magazine

Comfy Country Creations

Wreath Making Tips

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Wreath Making Tips


Stem wrapping and picking may become an uninteresting job that stops you from using flowers in your wreaths and centerpieces. Consider it an adventure in studying your flowers allowing you to envision what role they will each play in your wreath. It will give opportunity while making your wreath, to attach flowers, step back, assess, and move them if you so desire. The time spent wrapping and picking to make sure the materials for your wreath are sturdy and secure will be well worth the job you thought tedious.

Blooms that have stems that are thick or spindley or don't have a stem at all can be re-inforced by wiring. When the stem is still in tact, cut a piece of floral wire approximately twice as long as the stem of the flower. To secure the wire to the flower, wrap around the top of the stem several times and then continue down the stem at a forty-five degree angle, leaving three to five inches to hang past the natural stem. Once this is complete, wrap the stem and the wire with florist tape using the forty-five degree ascension process.

Using blooms without their natural stems is easily done. From the backside of the bloom, using medium gauge wire, gently push the wire up through the head of the bloom. Continue until wire is two inches above the head of the bloom. Using needle nose pliers, make a small hook at the end of the wire above the head. Pull the wire back through the head until the hook is secured into the flower head. Wrap the wire with florist tape.

On occasion, the blooms you wish to use may be lost amongst the other foliage if used alone. In this case, clustering can bring them back to life.

Gather as many single blooms together in one clump as fitting for the project. Use the same technique in re-inforcing stems to cluster a small bunch of blooms.

Using a floral pick is probably one of the easiest methods of insterting a cluster of blooms into a wreath base. Picks are a two to three inch stick with one end pointed and fine wire attached to the other end. To use, place pick parallel to stem. The end with the wire should be laying along side the stem with the pointed part of the pick extending approximately half the length of the pick past the end of the stem. Wrap the wire around the stem and the stick. Wrapping at a forty-five degree angle past the end of the stem and continuing onto the wood pick.

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